After his education, he served for his patients for 5 years in State Hospitals and later 3 years in Private Clinics. Ahmet Ünlü Has opened his own clinic in 2021 to provide a high quality and sanitary service to his patients.
Having graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Dentistry with success in 2013, Ahmet Ünlü has improved himself by attending many national and international congresses and courses.
Since scaling is done with ultrasonic tools and mechanical movements, there is no risk of damaging teeth. Scaling is done only on the plaques over the teeth and tartars. Teeth should be examined every 6 months for these and scaling must be done if necessary. Otherwise, the tartar pushes on the gums and causes gum recession which may lead to local jaw bone loss.
Bleaching makes teeth significantly whiter. This whiteness can last up to 2 years so long as patients pay attention to tooth care and refrain from consuming non recommended food.
Dental X-rays are safe. All X-rays produce radiation but dental X-rays produce very limited amounts of it. Also, recently designed modern X-ray devices emit much less radiation when compared to traditional devices.
Amalgam fillings have been used in dentistry for many years. Amalgam is a material made by mixing mercury with other metals. These can be lead, mercury, copper and tin.
Recently there have been serious disputes on whether amalgam fillings are harmful. Patients are concerned about the emission from the mercury in it.